Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thinking About Summer Art Fairs . . .

It's that time of year when the applications for summer art fairs are due.

 I thought I show photos of my booths from some art fairs I have done over the past few years.

I guess I would have to say I have a love/hate relationship for these events.

On the one hand I do LOVE meeting the people and talking about my art. I  enjoy visiting with other artist and vendors and seeing their art in person. Also, when the weather is nice, it's fun to be outside enjoying the day.

On the other hand it's a heck of a lot of work to load the car, set up and then  after the show repacking and once again load the car. In the past I have had artwork damaged due to the packing and unpacking. Then there is the cost. The fees can be quite expensive.
So once again I am debating on how many art fairs I will be participating in this summer. So far I have committed to one fair in June. (More info about that fair later.)
  I would love to hear if any of you participate in art fairs and what your experiences have been.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The FRENCH Lesson

I've added a couple of new mixed media encaustic paintings to my shop this week. 
 These paintings incorporate clear encaustic beeswax and pages from a vintage French/English dictionary.
 When the hot melted beeswax is painted on the vintage dictionary page, it makes the paper rather translucent allowing the text from the other side to show through.
  I really like this effect and I think it gives the painting a wonderful look.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The last few days have been absolutely gorgeous here in the Pacific Northwest. On our little island, so many beautiful trees are in full bloom.
 I was out running errands yesterday and I had to stop and take some pictures so that I could share these fantastic blossoming trees with all of you.
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