Thursday, May 30, 2013

Frida Kahlo

One of my favorite artists is Frida Kahlo.
Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954.) Frida was a Mexican painter who, at the age of eighteen, experienced a horrible bus accident where her spine was permanently destroyed. After the accident, she had thirty-two operations. During her recovery, her mother thought painting might amuse her, so she brought ​ paint, brushes and a small easel that could be placed on the bed. Her father placed the mirror above the bed so Frida could see her face .
During that period, she started on paintings that would later become the main feature of her art, self-portraits. In her first self-portrait, she has a soft, gentle expression that disappears in her later work.  
Of the one hundred forty-three paintings Frida created, fifty-five are self-portraits.
In honor of Frida, I have designed tiny sculptured hand charm earrings inspired by the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo.

These simple golden or silver hand earrings are reminiscent of the festive hand earrings Frida wears. Frida's unusual earrings were  given to her by Pablo Picasso. 


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